Consolidate All of Your Media Planning and Buying

Media Solution

Leveraging our consumer, media distribution and research databases, we provide automated, customizable Media Planning and Buying for all Paid Media through LMap. We compile comprehensive consumer information from leading global data providers to power audience identification and consumer-based marketing, making your media plan more intelligent. We’ll help you locate your markets, connect to your consumers, and grow your brand. All seamlessly integrated, in one sophisticated yet simple platform.

Advanced Data Aggregation

Our proprietary technology is the fundamental underpinning to all of our marketing and media offerings. It fuels every aspect of what we do.

We aggregate data from premier partners to provide the best and most accurate information across all categories. Infogroup, Factual, TransUnion, Nielsen, Epsilon, Equifax, Neustar, Experian, Acxiom, USPS, YouGov, and more, we are able to identify 14,000 data points to provide granular insights on local store level to drive effective media buying, all available and visible in our LMap platform.

Providing you with access to one of the most sophisticated data sets in the country.

  • Consumer Data
  • Business Data
  • Distribution Data
  • Customer Data
  • Research Data

Consumer Data

Our consumer data comes from constant advanced integrations with Acxiom, Epsilon, Experian, and TransUnion, enabling us to identify customer and prospects as real people, and helping you identify consumer insights that drives better customer experiences. Our data integration and technology helps find, understand, and engage customers in meaningful ways.

Business Data

Our business database is constantly evolving and updating, providing data forensics on detailed information on over 15 Million Businesses with our integrations with both LinkedIn and Database USA. This combined data set helps brands and businesses accelerate your growth by providing you with the most accurate information for B2B campaigns.

Distribution Data

Our unparalleled distribution database provides insight and access to all media, enabling clients to have instantaneous information on rates, distribution footprints, inventory, scheduling, and contact information. No one else can interface with all radio stations - rated and unrated. And our advanced network of all newspapers is unprecedented, with accurate variations in circulation due to holidays by zip code and product availability be it ROP, FSI, Spedia, Front Page Sticky Note. Moreover, our partnership with USPS gives us access to all addresses in the US, without needing a middleman giving us firsthand access to the data and the ability to analyze it from the source.

Client Customer Data

By layering on your customer data with our third-party advanced data aggregation, your brand has the ability to drill down to unbelievably holistic insights into targeting, messaging, and media vehicles. The more information you have about your customers, the more effective and efficient we can be with data interpretation and campaign deployment.

Research Data

Through our access and integration with major research data companies, such as Nielsen and Neustar, we are able to provide real-time information and analytics for the all media and retail measurement. Our combined data set offers comprehensive and timely information on market shares, competitive sales volumes and insights into distribution, pricing, merchandising and promotion, enabling informed decisions all from within one platform.

Local and National Media Planning

Leveraging our consumer, media distribution & research databases, we provide automated, customizable Media Planning for all paid media.

In LMap, we have the largest consolidated selection of national and local media options available for brands today. Paid print, broadcast, cinema, radio, digital, mobile, direct mail, outdoor, and non-traditional offerings, are all available through our automated platform for locations or franchisees to plan directly, either self-serve or with personalized media planning assistance.

In fact, we have the largest database of print publications, the largest list of consumer addresses, and the only agency with the entire shared mail footprint in the country, which means we have unparalleled and immediate access to the everchanging information media inventory information.

With access to the largest media distribution database, you can quickly see and select the best vehicles for the most efficient reach.

In addition, we have two proprietary tools for National and Local planning, inclusive of buying and creative customization and automation.

National Ad Fund Planning and Buying

Utilizing our National Ad Fund Planning Tool, you can use our proprietary artificial intelligence to customize for an entire market. LMap programmatically decides which layout to select and format based on rules set by the brand. LMap enables tracking of available media, locations, sales data, with primary, secondary and tertiary tactics, that both summarizes and facilitates placing the media buys, on a national, regional and local level, with approval process capabilities.

With our programmatic approach to the media buy efficacy and coverage, we consistently optimize the buying process, saving money in each market by eliminating the duplication of coverage by selection of tactic.

Local Store Marketing Planning and Buying

Identify budgets, select media tactics, provide creative, set parameters, and enable locations or franchisees to plan and place media on their own for set periods of time. Our programmatic solution enables planning to occur, and the sends email reminders out to in advance of the media tactic being placed to prompt for payment and creative customization, thereby allowing locations to plan but not financially outlay funds until necessary.

Create rules for creative options, creative versioning automation, approval processes for customization, timeframe constraints, budget thresholds, thus facilitating advanced media planning on a local level that is sophisticated and media agnostic.

Locations are now able to place their own media, eliminating the need for cobbled together resources, vendors, and buys.

Local and National Media Buying

Leveraging our consumer, media distribution & research databases, we provide automated, customizable Media Buying for all paid media.

In LMap, we have the largest consolidated selection of national and local media options available for brands today. Paid print, broadcast, cinema, radio, digital, mobile, direct mail, outdoor, and non-traditional offerings, are all available through our automated platform for locations to buy directly, either self-serve or with personalized media buying assistance.

You can then identify saturation by zip code, carrier route, household, and even customer level. Plus, our ongoing data hygiene ensures that your brand’s data and our targeting are correct and active, with CASS certification, NCOA, and suppression, that enables accuracy and access down to the household level, from identification to delivery.

Plus leverage our National and Local Planning Tools to streamline your buys, enabling automation to notify you when you are payment is due and creative is ready for completion, eliminating the need for creative versioning and traffic management. For more information, please see Local & National Media Planning.

In addition, we have two proprietary tools for National and Local planning, inclusive of buying and creative customization and automation.

Proof of Performance

Always feel confident that your ad ran when and where it was supposed to run. Proof of performance is handled programmatically, so there is no doubt, regardless of how small or remote a market. Electronic tear sheets are provided as proof and to assist with future negotiations. Moreover, FSI affidavit collection to enable you to know that the ad actually ran.


Programmatically reconcile all invoices and insertion orders, and create rules for discrepancies to eliminate time spent potentially-wasted on rounding errors and minuscule differences.


We’ve developed different reports for different tactics and can help on the brand or the local franchisee level to evaluate, analyze, and optimize.

We have standard post-buy reports, which depend on the media vehicle and objective, that can easily be accessed and shared. But if the Brand or location needs special attention or specific data, we are happy to create a customized report which can pull from both our data and any sales data you can share and supply.

From call tracking, client customer segmentation, fax tracking, to custom reporting; inclusive of by media channel, individual consumer, and interaction with media. Our goal is to help you demonstrate as easily and as succinctly as possible, how the media campaign performed in market, as it relates to sales or redemption or exposure.

Media Options

Explore our expanded media options designed to maximize your reach and impact. Silvercrest offers a comprehensive range of media solutions to meet all your advertising needs:

Direct Mail

Deliver your message directly to customers' mailboxes with targeted direct mail campaigns. Our Direct Mail solutions ensure that your promotional materials are placed directly in the hands of your audience, offering a tangible and personal connection. This method is highly effective for local marketing, special promotions, and maintaining ongoing customer relationships.

With our sophisticated targeting capabilities, you can customize your mailings based on demographics, location, and purchasing behavior. This level of precision ensures that your message reaches the right people at the right time, maximizing engagement and response rates. Direct Mail remains a powerful tool in the marketing arsenal, driving high ROI through personalized outreach.

Shared Mail

Reduce costs and increase reach by sharing mail space with other businesses, leveraging vendors like Mailbox Merchants, Mspark, Valassis, ValPak, and Money Mailer. Shared Mail allows you to distribute your marketing materials alongside other ads, creating a cost-effective solution that benefits from economies of scale.

This method ensures high visibility in mailboxes as recipients are more likely to engage with a bundle of offers. Shared Mail is ideal for businesses looking to reach a broad audience without the high costs associated with solo mailings. It’s an effective strategy for boosting brand awareness and driving traffic to your business.

Digital Advertising

Engage your audience online with targeted digital ads across various platforms. Digital Advertising allows you to reach potential customers where they spend a significant amount of their time – online. Whether through display ads, search engine marketing, or social media promotions, digital ads provide a versatile and measurable way to connect with your audience.

Our digital advertising solutions include comprehensive targeting options such as demographic, geographic, and behavioral targeting. This ensures your ads are seen by the most relevant audience, increasing the likelihood of conversion. Additionally, detailed analytics provide insights into campaign performance, allowing for continuous optimization.


Target customers based on their geographic location with precise geofencing techniques. Geofencing creates virtual boundaries around specific locations, enabling you to deliver ads to potential customers as they enter, exit, or dwell within these areas. This hyper-local targeting is perfect for driving foot traffic to physical stores or events.

With geofencing, you can engage with customers in real-time, offering timely promotions and incentives that encourage immediate action. This method is highly effective for local businesses, event marketers, and any campaign aiming to reach a geographically defined audience. Geofencing ensures your message is both relevant and timely, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Out of Home

Increase visibility with impactful out-of-home advertising solutions. Out-of-home (OOH) advertising encompasses a variety of formats, including billboards, transit ads, and street furniture, reaching consumers while they are on the move. OOH is a powerful way to enhance brand recognition and reach a wide audience in high-traffic areas.

Our OOH advertising solutions are designed to create memorable impressions through creative and strategic placements. By integrating OOH with other media channels, you can create a cohesive and multi-faceted campaign that boosts overall effectiveness. OOH advertising ensures your brand is seen by a broad audience, enhancing visibility and brand recall.

TV & Radio

Reach a wide audience with strategic TV and radio advertising placements. Television and radio ads offer extensive reach and can significantly enhance brand visibility and credibility. These mediums are ideal for storytelling, creating emotional connections with viewers and listeners, and delivering your message to a broad audience.

Our TV and radio advertising solutions include strategic media planning and buying, ensuring your ads are placed in the most effective time slots and channels to reach your target audience. With a blend of visual and auditory engagement, TV and radio ads can drive high levels of brand recall and response, making them an essential component of a comprehensive media strategy.